Church Schedule
Worship With Us

Worship Service/Culte d'Adoration
Sundays/Dimanches 11:00 AM
Sunday Bible Study/Ecole du Dimanche
10:00 AM
The Bible commands us to honor God with our lips, using hymns and spiritual songs and ministering to one another. What an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us through the sermons and reflections. Furthermore, our praises are the expression of gratitude toward a Great Shepherd that knows when, where, and how to take care of his flocks. In short, our spiritual gatherings keep our focus on our mission and vision, and prepare us for good deeds and service in our community and elsewhere.
(Psalm 145; Ep 5:19-20; He 13:15-16)
Prayer Meetings/Réunion de Prière
Tuesdays/Mardis 9:00 AM
Fridays/Vendredis 7:30 PM
Tuesday Bible Studies, 7:30 PM
Children/English: Joel Desir
Kreyol Session/Pastor Sam Robert
Youth & Adults/English: Br. Ron
From the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ, corporate prayers and Bible Studies have been the core of its agenda. Bethesda continues this tradition that sustains the Christian faith and keeps us on track. Life is restored, transformed throughout these spiritual activities. In addition, they bind us together and strengthen our common and collective desire to share and to celebrate God's presence and miracles in this community.
Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-31; 12:5).
Children Service/Culte des Enfants
Sundays 11:45 AM
Worship Service
Sundays 11:00 AM
Bethesda believes that the children and the youth are members of the Body of Christ, not the "Church of Tomorrow". We create a space for them to experience corporate worship and to allow them to exercise their spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit assigns to each one of them. Bethesda Children Ministry offers a variety of programs that focus on mingling and connecting the young ones to their community and culture. Furthermore, the children also learn to speak the Haitian Kreyol through hymns and songs and through our spiritual and social activities as well.
Prov 22:6; Mark 10:13-16).

Our Story
Bethesda Int'l & Missionary Church is a community of faith rooted in the love of God. We believe that “Worship” is more than singing hymns and praying. Worship is a Christian way of life, a lifestyle that we express in everything we do. Worship is obedience and promoting God for who He is (1 Peter 2: 9-10). Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures (2 Ti 3:16-17), which the Holy Spirit uses to guide us in the truth (John 14:26; Gal 5:16). Please, join us to experience God’s grace for yourself and your family. There’s a special place for you in this congregation where everybody knows everybody by their names. In short, Bethesda community strives to live for Jesus Christ and to make Him known in all times (John 14:15; John 15:14).
Our history and the church character have evolved through the following phrases:
January 2008 – May 2008: Private residence (SHELTER)
June 2008 -April 2009: Public School (EDUCATION)
May 2009- May 2913: Restaurant Place (NOURISHMENT)
June 2013- Present: Hardware Store (CONSTRUCTION)
The logo expresses, through images, what Bethesda stands for:
CROSS: The cross represents the core doctrine of Christianism: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It can't be compromised or replaced by another idea (1 Cor 15).
BLACK CROSS: To remind us of the ugliness of the crucifixion along with the pain and sufferings that are attached to it. Thus, we are called to be thankful and truthful to Jesus Christ and to be obedient to the Holy Spirit (Mat 27:32-44).
GLOBE: Our mandate is to preach Jesus Christ to the whole world by going to places or using the media and technology to accomplish the mission (Mat 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Ti 4:2)
LEAVES BRANCHES: They remind us about our blessed hope to see Jesus, The Rapture (1 Thes 4:13-18), and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-9), and the Bema Seat Judgment where crowns will be awarded (1 Cor 3:10-15).

CHURCH SLOGAN: A Heaven-Focus Ministry
Do Christians still believe and share the teaching on Heaven and the Rapture, one the fundamental doctrines of Christianism? The priority is somehow, elsewhere: The temporal things matter more than the spiritual ones. Nowadays, it seems that the successes of a congregation are measured in terms of preaching prosperity, healings and all kind of miracles etc. (2 Ti 4:3-4). Meanwhile, it is important to remind ourselves that we are "visitors and strangers in this world (1 Peter 2:11). We are waiting for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ to come from there (Ph 3:20-21; 1 Th 4:13-18)
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Open Forum ak Pastè Joel Desir - radio parole de verite 4/1/2022